Father Bazin
Founder of the congregation
of the Sisters of Mercy of Sées
Jean Jacques Bazin born 2nd April 1767 at Fresnes, Orne, France. In 1790 he was deacon when the government obliged priests to swear their fidelity to the civil constitution of the clergy. Refusing this he was condamned to be deported: “Better to die than to disown my faith”, he said. He was ordained priest during his exile, which it lasted ten years (1792-1802). When he returned to France, he worked to restore the Church which he found in a great state of desolation. Very quickly he was nominated director of the seminary of Séez (1809-1836). As vicar-general, he assured the management of the Diocese. In 1823 Father Bazin founded the congegation of the Sisters of Mercy of Sées. In the beginning the nuns, to earn their living, spun wool during the day, to enable them to treat the sick, free of charge, in the evenings.